

This category contains 3 posts

Desert Continuum BDU Pants

You would not believe how many entries I’ve typed up and failed to post. I’m just not on the computer as much when I get home at night. So I shall try to do better, as I have a ton of posts to make! Desert BDU pants: As I’ve mentioned before, my dear hubby purchased … Continue reading

Fan Expo Canada 2012, Part 2

…and as I continue my post on Fan Expo, a little more about our trip.  Once we finally got through the ticket line (there has to be a better system for that, doesn’t there guys?) we hustled in to see if we could still get a photo op with Amanda.  There was a really super … Continue reading

Fan Expo Canada 2012, Part 1

 This was a very short, but good trip. We got started later than we’d planned and waited in line a lot longer then planned to get our tickets, but we did get in the doors before they capped the people due to fire codes.  That would’ve been awful, a four-hour drive to not get in.  The … Continue reading